4.080. Planned Unit
Development Regulations
4.083. Permitted
Activities and Uses
4.084. Limitation on
Commercial Activities in Planned Unit Developments
Overall Densities and Bulk Regulations for Residential Activities in
Planned Unit Developments
4.089.1. Administrative Procedure
4.090. Standards for Signs,
Billboards, and Other Advertising Structures
4.080. Planned Unit Development
Regulations. The purpose and intent of this Section is to encourage the total
planning of relatively large tracts of land consistent with the long‑range general comprehensive plan of the County, encourage innovations in design and
the application of sound design principals, provide a framework within which an effective relationship of different land uses and activities can be planned on a
total basis, provide a harmonious relationship with surrounding development, minimizing such influences as land use incompatibilities, heavy traffic and
congestion, and excessive demands on planned and existing public facilities, and provide a means of developing areas of physiographic or other physical features
to enhance natural beauty and other attributes. This Section shall only be used for planned unit developments upon
determination by the Board of Zoning Appeals that the proposed development is in harmony with the purpose and intent as stipulated.
Planned unit developments are permitted only as special exceptions after review by the Board.
4.081. General Provisions. The following
general provisions apply to all planned unit developments:
A. Ownership and Division of Land.
No tract of land may be considered for or approved as a planned unit development unless such tract is under single ownership.
The holder of a written option to purchase, any governmental agency, or a redeveloper under contract shall be considered landowners for purposes of this
Section. Unless otherwise provided as a condition of approval of a planned unit development may divide and transfer
parts of such development. The transferee shall complete each such unit, and use and maintain it in strict
conformance with the adopted final master development plan.
B. Relationship to the Subdivision Regulations.
The uniqueness of each proposal for a planned unit development may require that there be modification from the specifications established in the
subdivision regulations adopted by the Loudon County Regional Planning Commission.
Modifications may
be incorporated only with the approval of the planning commission.
C. Common Open Space.
1. The location, shape, size, and
character of the common open space shall be reviewed in detail.
2. Common open space must be used for amenity or
recreational purposes. The uses authorized for the common open space must be appropriate to the scale and character
of the planned development considering its size, density, expected population, topography, and the number and type of dwellings to be provided.
3. Common open space must be suitably improved
for its intended use but common open space containing natural features worthy of preservation may be left unimproved. The
buildings, structures, and improvements which are permitted in the common open space must be appropriate to the uses which are authorized for the common open
space and must conserve and enhance the amenities of the common open space with regard to its topography and unimproved conditions.
4. The use and improvements of common
open space must be planned in relation to any existing or proposed public or semi-public open space which adjoins or which is within close proximity to the
perimeter of the planned development.
5. All land shown on the final
development plan as common open space must be conveyed under one of the following options:
a. It may be conveyed to a public agency which will agree to
maintain the common open space and any building, structures, or improvements which have been placed on it.
b. It may be conveyed to a trustee(s) provided in a deed of record
which establishes an association or similar organization for the maintenance of the planned development. The common
open space may be conveyed to the trustees subject to approval of the board of zoning appeals, which will result in the restriction of the common open space to
the uses specified on the final development plan; and which will provide for the maintenance of the common open space in a manner which assures its continuing
use for its intended purpose.
6. No common open space may be put to
any use not specified in the final development plan unless the final development plan has been amended to permit that use.
However, no change of use authorized may be considered as a waiver of any of the covenants limiting all rights to enforce these convenants against any
use permitted shall remain.
7. Any organization established for
the ownership and maintenance of any common open space shall not dispose of any common space by sale or otherwise (except to an organization established to own
and maintain the common open space) without first offering to dedicate the same to the county. Said dedication must be approved by the board of zoning appeals and accepted by the Loudon County Quarterly Court.
8. In the event that the organization
established to own and maintain common open space, or any successor organization, shall at any time after the establishment of the planned unit development,
fail to maintain the common open space in reasonable order and condition in accordance with the adopted master development plan, the building commissioner may
serve written notice upon such organization and/or owners or residents of the planned unit development. If
deficiencies or maintenance are not corrected after 30 days, the building commissioner shall call upon any public or private agency to maintain the common open
space. The cost of such maintenance by such agency shall be assessed proportionally against the properties within
the planned unit development that have right of enjoyment of the common open space, and shall become a lien on said properties.
4.082. Minimize Size. The minimum size of
a planned unit development is established according to the following table:
Minimum Area
R-1 C-1
A-2 C-2
5 X X
8 X X
4.083. Permitted Activities and Uses. The following activities may be permitted as part of a planned
unit development in R-1, C-1, A-2, and C-2 Districts except where expressly noted as not being allowed:
A. Residential.
Multi-family and conventional detached.
B. Community Facilities.
Utility services, streets and rights-of-way to all modes of transportation, open areas or natural reserves; basic installations, including but not
limited to communication equipment, government offices, utility substations, radio or television stations, police and fire stations, water tanks and sewage
disposal lift stations; community assembly, including but not limited to public, private and parochial schools and day care centers; health care,
including clinics, hospitals, rest homes, nursing homes, and homes for the aged.
4.084. Limitations on Commercial Activities in Planned Unit Developments. The commercial activities allowed in a
planned unit development shall be permitted, provided that such activities shall not exceed in the aggregate more than five percent of the total floor area of
such development; provided further that the maximum floor area devoted to such activities by any single establishment shall be 3,000 square feet.
4.085. Obstructions, Height Regulations, Accessory Structures, Customary Home Occupations, Off-Street
Parking and Sign Control. All residential structures and community facilities within a
planned unit development shall conform to the requirements governing these items as specified in this regulation pertaining to the appropriate residential or
commercial district within which it is located.
4.086. Overall Densities and Bulk Regulations for Residential Activities in Planned Unit Developments. The maximum
overall densities for residential activities shall be in terms of the number of dwelling units per gross acre of all area within a development, as provided
A. The maximum floor area for residential
activities shall be in terms of a ratio of total floor area per total area within the development, as provided herein.
B. Yard requirements for planned unit
developments are waived and the following minimum controls shall be applied.
C. The minimum total open space
(including all uncovered outdoor areas, such as streets, parking, lawn, landscaped areas, patios, recreation area, as well as usable roofs and uncovered
balconies) shall be provided at no less than a minimum ratio of open space per total floor area, as provided herein.
D. The minimum total living space (that
part of the total open space which includes lawn, landscaping, and recreation areas and excluding streets and parking), shall be provided at no less than a
minimum ratio of living space area per total floor area, as provided herein.
E. The minimum total recreation space
(that part of living space which is any relatively large contiguous area for recreation purposes) shall be provided at no less a minimum ratio of recreation
space per total floor area as provided herein.
F. If a planned unit development
embraces one or more zoning districts requiring different maximum permitted overall densities and floor area, open space, living space, and recreation space
ratios, these values shall be calculated separately for each distinct district, and a weighted average (weighing the area in each zoning district in proportion
to its share of the total area of the development in such district) of each of these values shall be applied to the development.
G. The following table indicates the density and bulk regulations for residential activities in a planned unit development. Section 4.089.2 provides definitions for interpretation concerning terms and ratios appearing below:
1. Floor Area Ratio
R-1 C-1
A-2 C-2
The maximum floor area
.162 .077
.077 .162
shall not exceed net
residential land area X floor area ratio
2. Open Space Ratio
The minimum open space
4.8 10.6
10.6 4.8
area shall not be less than
actual residential floor area X open space ratio
3. Living Space Ratio
The minimum living space
3.3 8.6
8.6 3.3
area shall not be less than
actual residential floor area X living space ratio
4. Recreation Space Ratio
The minimum recreation
.20 .32
.32 .30
space shall not be less than
actual residential floor area X recreation space ratio
4.087. Setbacks, Landscaping. Setbacks
shall be the same depth as required for buildings of the same height in the district in which the planned unit development is located, provided that in no case
shall a required yard be less than ten feet in the minimum dimension. Yards adjacent to streets shall be landscaped
for a minimum depth of at least ten feet from the street property line, except for driveways.
4.088. Building Spacing. Where space is left
between buildings on a lot or building site, it shall be at least ten feet in width.
4.089. Perimeter Requirements. If
topographical or other barriers do not provide adequate privacy for existing uses adjacent to the planned development, the planning commission or the Board of
Zoning Appeals may impose either of the following requirements:
A. Structures located on the perimeter of the
planned development must be set back by a distance sufficient to protect the privacy and amenity of adjacent existing uses, if applicable.
B. Structures located on the perimeter of the
planned development must be permanently screened in a manner which is sufficient to protect the privacy and amenity of adjacent existing uses.
Such screening should be suitably landscaped with grass and/or ground cover, shrubs and trees.
4.089.1 Administrative Procedure.
A. Outline Development Plan
1. The developer shall make a request
to construct a planned unit development within one of the allowable districts to the Building Commissioner. At his
option, the developer may accompany his request with an outline development plan specified in this Section. If no
outline development plan is filed with the request, the developer shall submit a preliminary development plan as outlined in the following section.
2. An outline development plan
consists of both maps and a written statement.
a. The maps may be in a general schematic form, but must contain
the following information:
i. The existing topographic character of the land.
ii. Existing and proposed land uses and the appropriate density of the
existing dwellings.
iii. The approximate location of any road shown on the major thoroughfare
iv. Public uses, including schools, parks, play areas, and other open
spaces, both existing and proposed.
b. The written statement to accompany the outline development plan
must contain the following information:
i. A statement of the present ownership of all the land included within
the proposed development.
ii. A general indication of the expected schedule of the development.
3. Within thirty (30) days after the
filing of the outline plan, Staff shall forward the plan to the Board of Zoning Appeals with a written report recommending the plan be approved, approved with
modifications, or disapproved, and giving reasons for these recommendations.
4. The Board of Zoning Appeals will
act on the recommendation by Staff and the procedure specified for special exceptions in Section 7.060 of this Resolution shall be followed.
However, no building permits will be issued on land within the planned development until final plans for the development have been reviewed and approval
granted by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
B. Preliminary Development Plan
If an outline development plan has been submitted and approved, the Board shall review the submission of a preliminary development plan in stages or as a
whole. If a preliminary development plan has not been submitted within three (3) months following the approval of
the outline development plan, the Board may withdraw its approval of the planned development. In its discretion and for good cause, the Board may extend for three (3) months the period for the filing of the preliminary development
The preliminary development plan must include all the following information:
a. A map
showing street systems, lot lines, lot designs, and existing topographic characteristics.
b. Areas
proposed to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for parks, playgrounds, swimming pools, recreation buildings, supporting commercial areas, similar public and
semi-public uses.
c. A site
plan for each building site and common open area, showing the approximate location and dimensions of all buildings, structures, and improvements and indicating
the open spaces around buildings and structures.
d. Elevation
and perspective drawings of all proposed structures and improvements. The drawings need not be the results of final
architectural decisions and need not be in detail.
e. A
development schedule indicating (1) the approximate date when construction of the project can be expected to begin; (2) the stages in which the project will be
built and the approximate date when construction of each stage can be expected to begin; (3) the anticipated rate of development; (4) the approximate dates when
the development of each of the stages in the development will be completed; and (5) the area and location of common open space that will be provided at each
f. An off-street
parking and loading plan.
g. An
estimate of population and density and extent of activities to be allocated to parts of the project.
h. The
general means of the disposition of sanitary waste and storm water.
i. A
tabulation of the land area to be devoted to various uses and activities and overall densities.
j. Agreements,
provisions, or covenants which govern the use, maintenance, and continued protection of the planning development and any of its common open areas.
k. The
following plans and diagrams, insofar as the Board of Zoning Appeals finds that the planned development creates special problems of traffic, parking,
landscaping or economic feasibility:
i. A circulation diagram indicating the proposed movement of vehicles, goods, and pedestrians within the planned development and to and from existing and proposed thoroughfares. Any special engineering features and traffic regulation devices needed to facilitate or insure the safety of this circulation pattern must be shown.
ii. A landscaping and tree planting plan.
iii. An economic feasibility report or market analysis.
l. If no outline development plan has been filed, the
preliminary plan must contain the information required by Section A 2 (a) and (b) and must include enough of the area surrounding the proposed planned
development to show the relationship of the planned development to adjacent uses.
The Board of Zoning Appeals shall review the preliminary development plan and recommend its approval if it complies with the intent of this planned unit
development section and contains all the information as specified in subsection B.2.
Final Development Plan
Within three (3) months following the approval of the preliminary development plan, the developer shall file with the Board a final plan containing in
final form the information previously required in granting preliminary approval and the necessary signatures as required by the Loudon County Subdivision
Regulations. In its discretion, and for good cause, the Board may extend for three (3) months the period for the
filing of the final development plan.
The Board shall review the final development, and if it is in substantial compliance with the preliminary development plan, shall recommend approval.
The Building Commissioner shall issue building permits for building and structures in the area covered by the approved final development plan if they are
in conformity with the approved final development plan and with all other applicable regulations. He shall issue a
certificate of occupancy for any completed building or structure located in an area covered by the approved final development plan if the complete building or
structure conforms to the requirements of the approved final development plan and all other applicable regulations.
D. Changes to Final Development Plan
No changes may be made in the approved final plan during the construction of the planned development except as specified.
a. Minor
changes in the location, siting, and height of buildings and structures may be authorized by the Board of Zoning Appeals if required by engineering or other
circumstances not foreseen at the time the final plan was approved. No change authorized by this Section may change
the size of any building or structure by more than ten percent.
b. All
other changes in use, rearrangement of lots, blocks, or building tracts, provisions for open spaces, or any other desired changes in the approved final plan
must be submitted to the board which will make its recommendation for approval or disapproval. No amendments may be
made in the approved final plan unless they are shown to be required by changes in conditions that have occurred since the final plan was approved or by changes
in the development policy of the county or city.
Any changes which are approved for the final plan must be recorded as amendments to the recorded copy of the final plan.
If no construction has begun or no use established in the development within one year after approval of the final development plan, the final development
plan will lapse and be of no further effect.
Control of Planned Development Following Completion
Upon completion of all work within the development, the Board of Zoning Appeals shall issue a certificate of completion.
The secretary of the Board shall note the issuance of the certificate on the recorded final development plan.
After the certificate of completion has been issued, the use of land and the construction, modification, or alteration of any buildings or structures
within the planned development will be governed by the approved final development plan rather than by any other provisions of this regulation.
After the certificate of completion has been issued, no change may be made in the approved final development plan except upon application to the Board under the
procedures provided below:
a. Any
minor extensions, alterations, or modifications of existing buildings or structures may be authorized by the Board of Zoning Appeals if they are consistent with
the purposes and intent of the final plan. No change authorized by this Section may change the size of any building
or structure by more than ten percent.
b. Any uses not authorized by the approved final
plan, but allowable in the planned development as a permitted use under the provisions of this regulation, or permitted as a special exception in the zone in
which the planned development is located, may be added to the final development plan upon approval by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
c. A
building or structure that is totally or substantially destroyed may be reconstructed but only in compliance with the final development plan unless an amendment
to the final development plan is approved under one of the two procedures specified above.
d. Changes
in the use of common open space may be authorized by an amendment to the final development plan under one of the two procedures specified above.
e. All
other changes in the final development plan must be made by the Board of Zoning Appeals under the procedures authorized by this regulation.
No changes may be made in the final development plan unless they are required for the continued successful functioning of the planned development, or
unless they are required by changes in the development policy of the city or county.
No changes in the final development plan which are approved under this Section are to be considered as a waiver of the covenants limiting the use of
land, buildings, structures, and improvements within the area of the planned development, and all rights to enforce these covenants against any changes
permitted by this section are expressly reserved.
F. Subdivision and Resale of the Planned
A planned development may be subdivided or resubdivided for purposes of sale or lease after the certificate of completion has been issued.
If the subdivision or resubdivision of a planned development will create a new lot line, the applicant shall make a request to the Planning Commission
for the approval of the subdivision or resubdivision. The Planning Commission shall approve the subdivision or
resubdivision if each section of the subdivided or resubdivided planned development meets the provisions of this regulation governing the density, common open
space, and dimensional requirements.
All sections of a subdivided or resubdivided planned development are to be controlled by the final development plan.
4.089.2. Definitions. The following definitions are provided for a better
interpretation of terms used in this section.
Floor Area. The total of the gross horizontal areas of all floors, including usable basements and
cellars, below the roof and within the outer surfaces of the main walls of principal or accessory buildings on the center lines of party walls separating such
buildings or portions thereof, or within lines drawn parallel to and two feet within the roof line of any building or portion thereof without walls, but
excluding the following:
Off-street parking, loading, and maneuvering space.
In the case of non-residential facilities: arcades, porticoes, and similar open areas which are located at
or near street level, which are accessible to the general public, and which are not designed or used as sales, display, storage service, or production areas.
Floor Area Ratio. The total floor area on a lot, divided by the lot area of that lot.
For example, a building containing 20,000 square feet of floor area on a lot of 10,000 square feet has a FAR of 2.0.
Living Space. Outdoor areas including recreation areas but excluding streets and parking.
D. Open Space.
In planned unit developments, as a partial substitution of yard requirements, it includes the total uncovered open area of a planned unit development
including streets, parking, lawn, patios, recreation areas as well as usable roofs and uncovered balconies.
Recreation Space. That portion of a lot that is required by the specific district regulation to be
open from the ground to the sky and may contain only explicitly listed obstructions.
The following tables provide additional explanatory matter and examples of computations:
Suburban Residential, and C-2,
General Commercial
Minimum Acres-5
Maximum Residential Floor Area
7,057 square feet
per acre)
43,560 x .162 = 7,057)
Minimum Open Space
- 33,874 square feet
43,560 square feet - 33,874 Minimum open space
9,686 Maximum building area
Minimum Living Space 23,288 square feet (7,057 x 3.3 = 23,388)
33,874 Minimum open space
- 23,288 Minimum living space
10,586 Maximum vehicular space
Minimum Recreation Space
1,1411 square feet
(7,057 x .20 = 1,411)
Maximum Dwelling Units
Determined by size of unit:
(per acre)
600 800
1,000 1,200 1,400
sq. ft.
sq. ft.
sq. ft.
sq. ft. sq.
Units Per Acre
Rural Center and A-2,
Rural Residential
Minimum Acres -
Maximum Residential Floor Area
3,354 square feet
(per acre)
43,560 x .077 = 3,354)
Minimum Open Space
35,552 square feet
(per acre)
(3,354 x 10.6 = 35,552)
43,560 square feet
8,008 Maximum building area
Minimum Living space
28,844 square feet
(per acre)
(3,354 x 8.6 = 28,844)
35,552 Minimum open space
28,844 Maximum living space
6,708 Maximum vehicular space
Minimum Recreation space
1,073 square feet
(per acre)
(3,354 x .32 = 1,073)
Maximum Dwelling Units
Determined by size of unit:(per acre)
600 800
1,000 1,200 1,400
sq. ft.
sq. ft.
sq. ft.
sq. ft. sq.
Units Per Acre
5.6 4.2
(Percentage of Total Acre in Parenthesis)
R-1 C-2
Floor Area
(16.2) (16.2)
Minimum 33,874 33,874
35,552 35,552
Open Space (77.2) (77.8)
(81.6) (81.6)
Area (22.2) (22.2)
(18.9) (18.9)
Minimum 23,288 23,288
28,844 28,844
Living Space(53.5) (53.5)
(66.3) (66.3)
Maximum 10,586
Space (24.3)
(24.3) (15.4)
4.090. Standards for Signs, Billboards, and Other Advertising Structures. These conditions are established as a
reasonable and impartial method of regulating advertising structures in order to insure light, air, and open space, to reduce hazards at intersections, and to
protect property values of the entire community. The regulations for signs, billboards, and other advertising structures are enumerated below:
In any zoning district, the following general regulations shall apply as well as the regulations in Chapter 23, "Signs and Outdoor Displays,"
of the Southern Standard Building Code.
No sign shall be erected or maintained where by reason of its position, wording, illumination, size, shape, or color it may obstruct, impair, obscure,
interfere with the view of, or be confused with, any authorized traffic control sign, signal, or device.
No sign having flashing, intermittent or animated illumination shall be permitted within three hundred (300) feet of property in any suburban residential
district unless such sign is not visible from such property.
No illuminated sign shall be permitted within fifty (50) feet of property in any residential district unless the illumination of such sign is so designed
that it does not shine or reflect light onto such property.
4. No billboard or
ground sign shall be erected to exceed the maximum height limitation for the district in which it is located. No billboard shall exceed fifty (50) feet in length. The bottom coping of every ground sign shall be at least three (3) feet above the ground
or street level.
Billboards and other similar outdoor advertising structures shall be erected or placed in conformity with the side, front, and rear yard requirements of
the district in which located. However, no billboard shall be erected or placed closer than within one hundred
(100) feet of any R-1 and/or A-2 district.
Signs erected and overhanging any sidewalk must be placed at least nine (9) feet above the sidewalk and may extend over the sidewalk a distance equal to
two-thirds (2/3) the width of the sidewalk, but in no case exceeding ten (10) feet.
Professional signs and signs for home occupations shall not exceed four (4) square feet in area in the R-1 and C-1 districts.
No building walls or roofs shall be used for display of advertising in any district.
Temporary signs and posters are subject to the following regulations:
a. Each
sign shall not exceed (5) square feet in area.
b. The sign
shall not be located closer together than five hundred (500) feet.
c. No such
signs shall be allowed in any residential zone.
d. Such
signs shall not be nailed to trees, fence posts or public utility poles and shall not be located in the public right-of-way.
e. All such signs advertising events shall be removed within ten
(10) days after the event date.
In any district, the following signs shall be permitted:
a. For parking areas, entrance and exit signs not exceeding four
(4) square feet in area and not more than one (1) sign not more than sixteen (16) square feet in area identifying or designating the conditions of the use of
such parking area.
b. Non-illuminated "For Sale" or "For Rent"
signs not exceeding four (4) square feet in area.
c. One (1) sign not more than twelve (12) square feet in area
giving the names of the contractors, engineers, or architect, during construction of a building.
d. Signs established by, or by order of, any governmental agency.
e. For special events of public interest, one (1) sign not over
thirty-two (32) square feet in area located upon the site of the event.
B. In A-1, Agriculture-Forestry
Districts, the following regulations shall apply:
1. Name plates indicating name, address, house number, announcement
of boarders or roomers, or customary home occupations are permitted.
2. Not more than two (2) non-illuminated signs not to exceed a
total of thirty-two (32) square feet in area, advertising the sale of farm products produced on the premises shall be permitted.
3. Church, school, or public buildings, bulletin boards, or
identification signs, not exceeding sixty (60) square feet in area are permitted.
4. Flashing or intermittent illumination is prohibited.
5. Billboards and other advertising structure are prohibited.
6. Business signs, not to exceed one and one-half (1-1/2) square
feet of surface area for each one (1) lineal foot of face of building, relating to the business on the premises will be permitted.
C. In A-2 Rural Residential District,
the following regulations shall apply:
1. Nameplates indicating name, address, house number, announcement
of boarders or roomers, or customary home occupations are permitted.
2. Not more than two (2) non-illuminated signs not to exceed a
total of thirty-two (32) square feet in area, advertising the sale of agricultural products produced on the premises shall be permitted.
3. Church, school, or public building bulletin boards or
identification signs, not exceeding thirty (30) square feet in area are permitted.
4. Billboards or other advertising structures are prohibited,
except certain directional signs intended to guide the general public to areas designated by the planning commission as possessing scenic, historical, or
recreational value. However, such directional signs shall not exceed sixty-four (64) feet in area.
5. Flashing or intermittent illumination is prohibited.
D. In the R-1, Suburban-Residential
District, the following regulations shall apply:
1. Nameplates indicating name, address, house number, announcement
of boarders or roomers, or customary home occupations are permitted.
2. For apartment buildings, identification signs not exceeding nine
(9) square feet in area are permitted.
3. Church, school, or public building bulletin boards or
identification signs not exceeding twenty (20) square feet in area are permitted.
4. Flashing or intermittent illumination is prohibited.
5. Billboards or other advertising structures are prohibited.
E. In the C-1, Rural Center District,
the following regulations shall apply:
1. Nameplates indicating name, address, house number, announcement
of boarders or rooms for rent, or customary home occupations are permitted.
2. Churches, schools, or public buildings, identification signs or
bulletin boards not exceeding sixty (60) square feet in area are permitted.
3. For other permitted uses, one (1) business sign not exceeding
one (1) square foot of surface for each two (2) lineal feet of lot fronting on a public street will be permitted. Such sign shall be mounted on the premises and shall be directly related to the activity conducted on said premises.
4. Billboards and other general advertising structures are
F. In the C-2, General Commercial
District, the following regulations shall apply:
1. Bulletin board or identification signs, not exceeding sixty (60)
square feet in area, shall be permitted for public recreation uses, community facilities, hospitals, and clinics.
2. Business signs shall be permitted subject only to the
restrictions in Section 4.090.A of this Resolution. All ground signs shall be located not closer to any property
line than one-half (1/2) the required setbacks.
3. Billboards and other outdoor advertising structures are
permitted in the C-2 General Commercial District subject to the general restrictions set forth in Section 4.090.A.
G. In the M-1, General Industrial District,
the following regulations shall apply:
1. Business signs shall be permitted which relate to the business
on the premises. Such signs shall be located not closer than one-half (1/2) the required setback from all property
2. Flashing and intermittent illumination is prohibited.
3. Billboards and other outdoor advertising structures are
H. In the F-1, Floodway District, the following regulations shall
1. There shall be permitted for public parks, playgrounds, and
other outdoor recreational uses, signs not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in area.
2. Flashing intermittent illumination is prohibited.
3. Billboards and other outdoor advertising structures are
I. In the 0-1, Office-Professional
District, the following regulations shall apply.
1. One (1) on-premise freestanding sign not to exceed one hundred
(100) square feet in area and no more than ten (10) in height.
2. One (1) wall sign per business establishment not to exceed one
(1) square foot for each lineal foot of the business's primary facade.
3. Billboards or other similar signs, advertising structures, portable/temporary signs or banners are prohibited.