Voting Location

Update      Update      Update      Update       Update       Update      Update      Update     Update     Update       Update         Update
The voting site for Lenoir City west and Lenoir City outside formerly located at the Memorial Building will be relocated to the Lenoir City Middle School.   See pictures below. 


  Although there are 2 spaces designated for persons with disabilities, neither space complies with the Standards.
  The ramp into the building entrance has a one inch change in level due to broken concrete.
  Each leaf of the double doors at the building entrance has a clear opening width of 28 inches. Provide at least one active leaf with a minimum clear opening of 32 inches measured from the face of the door to the opposite door stop with the door open at 90 degrees or an automatic opening device that will open both doors simultaneously.


*Correction: Relocate voting site to the community room at the New Roane State Collage located 1/2 block from Memorial Building.

*Not yet approved by ADA.

ADA Report

Within one month of the effective date of this Agreement, the County will request in writing that the following barriers are removed at the Memorial Building, located at (please provide address). The request will specify that the remediation be completed within one year of the effective date of this Agreement. The County will simultaneously send a courtesy copy of the request to the Department.

a. Although there are 2 spaces designated for persons with disabilities, neither space complies with the Standards. Provide two 96-inch wide parking spaces that share one 96-inch wide adjacent access aisle. Provide a sign designating one of the spaces as "van-accessible" mounted below the International Symbol of Accessibility and another sign designating the other space as reserved for persons with disabilities with the International Symbol of Accessibility, both in locations that cannot be obscured by vehicles parked in the spaces. Standards §§ 4.1.2(5)(b), 4.6.3, Fig. 9, 4.6.4, Fig. 43(b).

b. The ramp into the building entrance has a one inch change in level due to broken concrete. Provide and maintain a level change that is no greater than ½ inch and beveled with a slope no greater than 1:2. Standards §§ 4.3.8, 4.5.2.

c. Each leaf of the double doors at the building entrance has a clear opening width of 28 inches. Provide at least one active leaf with a minimum clear opening of 32 inches measured from the face of the door to the opposite door stop with the door open at 90 degrees or an automatic opening device that will open both doors simultaneously. Standards §§ 4.13.4, 4.13.5, 4.13.6.
